Another reason to visit Tanzania in case you didn’t have enough already.


These creatures can stay underwater for 3-5 minutes at a time before they have to resurface for air, and the movement is so automatic that even a hippo sleeping underwater will rise an d breathe without waking up. Found : Retina Hippo pool at Central Serengeti National Park.


It is said that these primates share 98% of the same DNA as humans! Sadly, deforestation in Africa is threatening populations and current numbers are estimated to be between 172,000 and 300,000 for chimps remaining in the wild. Gombe Stream and Mahale Mountains National Park are home to some of the remaining wild chimps.


Wild dog

Sometimes known as the ‘painted wolf . These canines are famed for their incredible hunting abilities, with an estimated success rate of 80%. They’re also known for their tight-knit social groups that can have anything from two to 27 members. Found: Ruaha National Park.


Whale shark

The gentle giants aren’t just big, they are in fact the biggest fish in the sea, growing up to 10 metres long and weighing as much as 20 tonnes! Mostly found at Mafia Island in Tanzania.